
common soldier中文是什么意思

  • [网络] 军士



  • 例句与用法
  • He is not an officer, but a common soldier .
  • Well, is he degraded to be a field-marshal, or a common soldier
  • Zherkov had met dolohov abroad as a common soldier, and had not seen fit to recognise him
  • Dolohov has been degraded to the rank of a common soldier, while bezuhovs son has been banished to moscow
  • No one from the common soldier to the general expected a battle; and they were all calmly engaged in peaceful occupationsfeeding their horses in the cavalry, gathering wood in the infantry
  • Frederick the great [ pdf ] : “ soldiers should fear their officers more than all the dangers to which they are exposed . . . . good will can never induce the common soldier to stand up to such dangers; he will only do so through fear
  • The arrangement, made at the start from moscow, that the officers among the prisoners should march separately from the common soldiers, had long since been given up . all who could walk marched together; and at the third stage pierre had rejoined karataev and the bow-legged, purple-grey dog, who had chosen karataev for her master
  • At the moment when boris entered, prince andrey dropping his eye-lids disdainfully with that peculiar air of courteous weariness which so distinctly says, if it were not my duty, i would not stay talking to you for a minute, was listening to an old russian general with many decorations, who, rigidly erect, almost on tiptoe, was laying some matter before prince andrey with the obsequious expression of a common soldier on his purple face
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common soldier的中文翻译,common soldier是什么意思,怎么用汉语翻译common soldier,common soldier的中文意思,common soldier的中文common soldier in Chinesecommon soldier的中文common soldier怎么读,发音,例句,用法和解释由查查在线词典提供,版权所有违者必究。
