soldier n. 1.军人;(陆军)士兵 (opp. officer); 战士,勇士。 2.富有军事经验[军事技术]的人;军事家,军事指挥员。 3.为某事业献身的人。 4.〔口语〕偷懒[装病]的人,懒汉。 5.【动物;动物学】(群居性昆虫)兵虫;兵蚁;寄居蟹;〔俚语〕熏鲱鱼。 a soldier of the carpet 游手好闲,贪图享受的人 (=carpet knight)。 the great soldiers of history 历史名将。 soldier of fortune 雇用军人;(追求名利的)冒险家。 a great soldier 勇将。 a militia soldier 民兵。 a private [common] soldier 兵。 tin [toy] soldiers 玩具兵。 come the old soldier over sb. 拿老资格派头指挥某人,教训某人;欺骗,哄骗。 go for a soldier 参军。 no soldier 没有指挥能力的军官,没有做军人资格的人。 old soldier 老兵;老资格,老手;〔俚语〕(酒席等的)空瓶;雪茄烟头[屁股]。 play at soldiers 玩军队游戏。 vi. 1.当兵。 2.〔口语〕偷懒,装病。 vt. 〔美国〕逃避,规避。 He has soldiered all over the world. 他做军人,走遍了全世界。 -like, -ly adj. 像军人的,像武士的,勇敢的,英勇的。 n. -ship 军人身分[品质];军事才干。
He is not an officer, but a common soldier . 他不是军官而是普通士兵。
Well, is he degraded to be a field-marshal, or a common soldier “怎么?他被贬为元帅,是不是?还是贬为士兵呢?
Zherkov had met dolohov abroad as a common soldier, and had not seen fit to recognise him 热尔科夫在国外遇见一个当兵的多洛霍夫,认为没有必要和他结识。
Dolohov has been degraded to the rank of a common soldier, while bezuhovs son has been banished to moscow 多洛霍夫被贬为士兵,别祖霍夫的儿子被赶到莫斯科去了。
No one from the common soldier to the general expected a battle; and they were all calmly engaged in peaceful occupationsfeeding their horses in the cavalry, gathering wood in the infantry 两个兵团的人员,从士兵到将军,都没有料到要会战,竟泰然自若地从事和平劳动:骑兵喂马,步兵收拾木柴。
Frederick the great [ pdf ] : “ soldiers should fear their officers more than all the dangers to which they are exposed . . . . good will can never induce the common soldier to stand up to such dangers; he will only do so through fear 腓特烈大帝的这篇文章提到:军人应该害怕他们的指挥官甚于其他可能会面临的诸多危险...,善良并不能让一般的士兵临危不惧-他只会感到害怕。
The arrangement, made at the start from moscow, that the officers among the prisoners should march separately from the common soldiers, had long since been given up . all who could walk marched together; and at the third stage pierre had rejoined karataev and the bow-legged, purple-grey dog, who had chosen karataev for her master 现在凡是还能走得动的都一起走,从第三天上皮埃尔和卡拉塔耶夫和那条认卡拉塔耶夫为自己主人的雪青色的哈叭狗又会合到了一块。
At the moment when boris entered, prince andrey dropping his eye-lids disdainfully with that peculiar air of courteous weariness which so distinctly says, if it were not my duty, i would not stay talking to you for a minute, was listening to an old russian general with many decorations, who, rigidly erect, almost on tiptoe, was laying some matter before prince andrey with the obsequious expression of a common soldier on his purple face 当鲍里斯走进房间时,安德烈公爵正在听取那个胸前戴满了勋章的年老的将军的汇报,他鄙薄地眯缝起眼睛,这种特别谦虚而又疲倦的神态,很明显地表示:“如果不是我的职责所在,我连一分钟也不愿意和您交谈。”那位年老的将军几乎踮着脚尖,挺直着腰身,赤红的脸上流露着军人低三下四的表情,他向安德烈公爵禀告一件什么事。